Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Not too many people LIKE change.

I am weird (duh) because I do.

Tomorrow I turn 19. That's a change. (Of course.)  Birthdays are marks of change in our life. Another year has gone by. For me, a tremendous amount of change took place in my life since my last birthday.

I got a haircut, just about 15 minutes ago. I am guilty of making decisions on the fly when I walk into a hair salon because I always want to do something different. One of the hardest things in the world for me to do is sit down in one of those cool chairs and tell them, "Just a trim," because I always want to add on "but can you do some short layers," or "how about full bangs this time," or even "I want six inches off (or more)".

And I love new experiences. New people, new places, new things, new situations. I love love love it. College has been enjoyable for me mostly for this reason. I see change as a turn in my life-story. (I told you I view everything as a story.) A twist in plot, a conflict that has to be resolved, or simply a new facet of the storyline that I simply did not notice before.

However, no matter how much I or anyone else likes or dislikes change, there is one area we guard closely: something we refuse to let go, even those of us who profess to love and know God as our Saviour. Ourselves. Don't turn me off just yet. I know that sounds pretty broad, but let me explain.

Last night at youth group, my youth pastor taught out of the book of Romans, using Paul as an example for us. Paul completely changed when he met God. My youth pastor said that Paul's belief, behaviour, and belonging changed. Although I was trying to stay awake and keep an eye on chatty young people (and trying NOT to think about homework), my youth pastor's words really affected me. How much in my lifehave I let God change since I accepted Him into my heart? I've grown up in a Christian home; I had a very sheltered childhood, was homeschooled, didn't really have any friends outside of church. So, it wasn't as if I've struggled with drugs or inappropriate relationships or alcohol or any of the "really bad sins." For a while this bothered me. "How do I know I've changed," I wondered, "if I haven't done anything different since I got saved?"

Well, the more I thought about it, and heard preachers and teachers talk about it, I realized that I HAD changed. God is the Creator of all things. When God enters, there is change. That's a simple fact. He makes things better. My pastor talked about that on Sunday morning. 

Christ. Is. Better. 

End of story.

Look at your life. Not just the outward things, but what has happened inside you. How have YOU, the very heart and mind of you yourself, changed since God came into your heart and life? If you accepted Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection paying for your sin, God has changed you, is changing you, somehow.

That being said, what are you holding back? What part of your life, past, present, or future, are you keeping from God? A sum of money? A family member or significant other? Your job? A hobby--good or bad? What do you cling to thinking, whether consciously or subconsciously, 

"This is mine.  

I love God! 'O how I love Jesus! O how I'-- 

but this is mine. "

I've heard preachers say, "It's all God's anyway--you might as well give it back!" While there is a lot of truth in that, God wants us to do it willingly. He gave us the choice to love Him or not. When you love someone, you give yourself to them: literally and figuratively. You subject yourself to them, how they will change you. You've done so for a spouse or loved one; why not do it for the One who gave everything for you?

God wants to do something incredible with your life. He WILL, if you give Him every part of you. It will be difficult. Paul wrote "I die DAILY" (1st Corinthians 15:31; caps added for emphasis); he had to sacrifice himself every day. Give up. Let go of everything that is yours. If God takes it from you, it was never meant to be yours, and you will be better with it gone. Do not be afraid. Let God change you into the person He wants you to be.

Looking to far better things ahead,


1 comment:

  1. Hello dear!
    I'm a fellow Christ-sister popping in for a minute just to thank you for sharing this - truly, it was such a helpful reminder. I'm going through another season of lots of changes, and I tend to look at changes with dread while simultaneously wishing that I was excited. This helped me to look at the changes God is working in myself and my life with a spirit of adventure.
    God bless you, dear heart!
