Friday, January 4, 2013

Who are you?

Who are you?

       [No, seriously.]

If you’re reading this the day I post it, I probably know who you are. I can assume you are pretty familiar with yourself as well. You can name your favorite colour, favorite song, favorite food, the position you sleep in, what you usually think about, where you go to church, the name of your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, etc. I might even be able to name those things about you too. But is that YOU?
As I was creating this blog, it took me a long time–3 timed sessions on this library computer!–to think of a cool name for it, that said ME. Did I want it to be something I like? Something I do? Something I aspire to be?
After much deliberation, obviously, I came up with a name. And it is a part of me. But it made me think: How do I want people to know me, to remember me? That crazy girl whose dreams are even crazier? The waitress at Sandy Cove? The girlfriend of a country boy? Making sure people have a good opinion of me used to be a primary goal of mine. Now, however, I believe it goes deeper than that.
How does your life shine? How will people remember you, if they remember you at all? Sit down and think about it, and maybe even jot down the answers you come up with. It can change your life. One of my life quotes, something I tell myself often, is “Be unforgettable.” But how? Unforgettably annoying? Unforgettably loud? We should be unforgettably loving, unforgettable Godly, unforgettably honest and kind and humble.
In 2013, strive to be unforgettably ______. You fill in the blank. Change it up every week or month if you like to keep it fresh or think you’ll be able to accomplish it in a short period of time. Challenge yourself to be more than you’ve been before: more like Christ. Become who He wants you to be.
Looking to far better things ahead,

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